Amos 1

Amos 1 contains the writings of Amos, “who was among the shepherds”.  Many feel that Amos is called from his work as a sheep herder to become a prophet for God.  There are differences about whether he was a well to do farmer, or one that was just getting by, but the reality is that God called this man to carry His message.  While we humans get all caught up in power and position and possessions, God uses people that have the right heart and are willing to obey.  That’s what Amos does.  He gets God’s message and he carries it.

God didn’t just speak His message to Amos, He painted it for him in a vision.  Scripture says “he saw concerning Israel”.  Amos was given a vivid picture of what was to come, and that became his story to tell.  It was a message of destruction and God’s vengeance on those who had caused pain to His people.  The general message was:

–       “The Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem

–       the pastures of the shepherds mourn

–       the top of Carmel withers

God is responding as a lion – with a loud roar that should put fear into those the message is being delivered to.  He warns before He strikes, just as a lion roars before it tears its prey to shreds.  The impact will be severe as the pastures dry up and the mount of Carmel withers.  This sounds like the consequences of a great drought.  Carmel was one of the most fertile of places in that time, and the crops will wither and dry up.  God’s punishment will be huge – it will cause people to mourn the losses that will accompany it.

The rest of the chapter Amos gives the specifics.  It contains a list of the nations that will be punished, the kings that led them, and the reason for the pending doom.  God makes His case for why He will act.  He is warning them of what is to come.  In most every case, He says “I will send” as Amos describes the punishment to come.  This is personal to God.  He is not pleased and is taking direct action to punish those who have violated His people.  He also says “I will not revoke punishment” a number of times.  It will happen.  God is not going to be swayed.

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