Archive for June 28th, 2024

1 Peter 3:7b-8a

In 1 Peter 3:7b-8a we continue to hear Peter’s teach to husbands on how to live with their wives. A godly husband realizes that his spouse is not only his wife, but also his sister in Jesus. Part of their inheritance in the Lord is only realized in their oneness as husband and wife. “….since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.” Grudem writes This “reminds husbands that even though they have been given great authority within marriage, their wives are still equal to them in spiritual privilege and eternal importance: they are ‘joint heirs.’”

There is a real outcome with failing to treat our wives as joint heirs in Christ. The failure to live as a godly husband has spiritual consequences. It can and it will hinder prayer. Some have thought that Peter has in mind here the prayers that husbands and wives pray together. But since he addresses husbands only, and because he says your prayers, he refers to the prayers of husbands in general. Peter assumed that the fear of hindered prayer would motivate Christian husbands to love and care for their wives as they should. Many Christian men have such a low regard for prayer that this warning may not adequately motivate them.

Spurgeon wrote “Indeed, to true believers prayer is so invaluable that the danger of hindering it is used by Peter as a motive why, in their marriage relationships, and household concerns, they should behave themselves with great wisdom. He bids the husband ‘dwell’ with his wife ‘according to knowledge,’ and render loving honor to her, lest their united prayers should be hindered. Anything which hinders prayer must be wrong. If any management of the family, or want of management, is injuring our power in prayer, there is an urgent demand for an alteration.”

And then Peter wraps up his words to all of us as Christ Followers. “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind….”. He addresses ALL of us so it applies to you and me. Most of us are willing to have one mind, as long as that one mind is my mind! But the one mind is to be the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Our common mind is to be Jesus’ mind. This command brings us back to the need to know God’s word. We can’t be of one mind, the mind of Jesus, if we don’t know what His mind is. The word of God shows us the mind of Jesus. Ultimately this is about the unity of us as Christ Followers. We are one; but we are not all the same. While we should all be of one mind, we can’t expect everyone to be like us. God has built both unity and diversity among His people.

“Portions of this blog post have been taken from the Enduring Word commentary, (c) 2023 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik –

“Scripture (bold and italicized) has been taken from the English Standard Version, © –