Archive for April 7th, 2008

Ezekiel 15

Ezekiel 15 is a curious chapter.  Only 8 verses long, it seems like it is out of place in the writings of Ezekiel.  But it contains more of “God’s message” so it needs to be something we take a look at.  This chapter talks about the difference between “wood of a vine” and “branches of any tree”.  Sort of a strange set of topics at first glance, but ponder a minute on what these are good for.  Both are God’s creation and serve a purpose that they fulfill in growing.  But God makes the point that the vine wood isn’t really good for much else other than possibly burning as fuel.  You can’t build anything from it.  It is flimsy and really beyond being a vine is only good when “used as fuel for the fire”.  Trees on the other hand can be turned into many things.  Their wood is useful to build much.  God didn’t really have a lesson on the two kinds of wood though.  He was focused more on the burning part, that if vine wood was “half burned” or had the “ends burned off” it still would not be good for much.  The only real value of vine wood once it is not producing is as fuel to be totally consumed.  God compares those who have been “faithless” to being vine wood.  Their sentence is to be burned up, consumed as fuel.  Does God expect us to live a life of faith – it is pretty darn clear He does.  And if we don’t we can expect some heat literally in our lives.  We need to walk with the Master in faith and obedience.  Get after it!