Archive for June 6th, 2009

Leviticus 22

Leviticus 22 deals with the holy offerings that Aaron and his priestly team were to deal with.  God tells them “to treat the holy offerings…with reverence”.  It is important how we handle God’s offerings and stuff.  Aaron and team were assigned as the caretakers of the sacrificial offerings and much of Leviticus has been around how that should happen.  It is serious stuff as God says “the priests must observe my instructions lest they become guilty and die by treating the offerings with irreverence”.  This chapter also tells us three lists of things that people are not to try and offer.  “don’t try slipping in”….and then lists of creatures with defects….. “it won’t be accepted”.  God knows what is happening when we try and cut corners and give Him less than is His.  It all belongs to Him, so tithes and offerings are merely giving back a bit of what He already owns anyway.  We are merely stewards of what He has entrusted to us, but how we treat it really does show the condition of our heart.  And how we deal with money is an indicator of how we are progressing on the path to holiness.

 God says “I am God who makes them holy”.  Part of learning to be like God and take on His holiness is to learn to correctly deal with His money.  Do you hoard it, or selfishly use it, or really believe it is yours?  You can’t take it with you.  Doesn’t matter how hard you try – when life on earth is over – it is gone – all gone.  God owns it all and we are His appointed caretakers of His wealth.  But that said, there are some rules we need to pay attention to regarding money and His stuff.  And certainly one of those is to make sure we are giving Him the best.  The people here were tempted to cut corners and offer the defective stuff – not the first fruits and top quality.  Wouldn’t you think the God of the universe should have the very best?  But human nature is to keep that for ourselves and give God the leftovers or the rejects.  It doesn’t play with Him.  It does reveal our heart and we need to pay attention to how we live in this area.  Money is a leading indicator to where we are on our walk to holiness.  God takes it seriously too: “Do what I tell you, live what I tell you.  I am God”.  How we are to live is not really up for discussion.  God has standards we need to live up to.  God expects certain behavior and action.  How we deal with possessions and money are a real measure of our willingness to obey and move toward holiness.  How are you doing in this area?  Are you living the way God intends?  Are you His good steward or do you treat your money like you own it?  You don’t – never have – never will – even if you have convinced yourself otherwise.  The day of reckoning is coming and you will find out just how quickly it all goes away.  Get right with God about your wallet.  It is a real picture of your heart!